The privacy policy of this website is outlined on this page.


  1. By using this website, you agree to the terms of this privacy policy.
  2. The policy should reflect the current state of affairs at any time.
  3. If you notice the actual behavior does not match what the policy states:
    1. Inform about violations.
    2. Describe what discrepancy have you noticed and provide context to help me verify this - e.g. captures from browser devtools.
    3. Necessary corrections either to the website’s behavior, or the privacy policy itself should be made as necessary.

Cookies usage

  1. This website does not use any cookies, directly nor deliberately.
  2. In particular, cookies are not used to identify or track individual visitors by the maintainer of this website.
  3. This website uses 3rd party dependencies (i.e. JS scripts) which might use cookies:
    1. Cookies that serve a solely technical purpose (e.g. choices, Github auth tokens) are tolerated.
    2. The maintainer takes efforts to prevent inclusion of other cookies that could violate this policy.


  1. This website uses Plausible to collect statistics about usage and visits.
  2. Statistics are collected using JS scripts exclusively, as Plausible claims no cookies are involved and the data is anonymous.
  3. If you are especially concerned about privacy, disable JS to prevent usage statistics from being collected.

JavaScript usage

  1. This website uses JavaScript to provide better user experience and certain functions.
  2. The website should remain partially functional with JavaScript disabled, however it may considerably limit its features.

Personal data, PII and GDPR

  1. This website does not collect or process any personal data on its own.
  2. This website uses giscus application for post commenting support. giscus is an open source project.
    1. Users are required to log in via GitHub in order to use giscus.
    2. Comments added via giscus are shown in GitHub Discussions.
    3. Submitting any personal data, or commenting under one’s own name is thus visible in a GitHub public repository discussions.
    4. These discussions are hosted and owned by GitHub, and the maintainer of this website has no influence on how this data is processed.
    5. If the user wishes to review, access, correct or delete the data shared via giscus comments, this can be done via GitHub website and according to GitHub policies.
    6. GitHub may store user data in various EU, non-EU, US and non-US locations according to their policies and technical capabilities, and the maintainer of this website has no influence on how and where user data and comments shared via giscus on this website would be stored by GitHub.
  3. By commenting via giscus, users make the contents of their comments visible on both this website and GitHub Discussions under their GitHub usernames.
  4. As the comments are linked to their authors via GitHub user account, if they directly or indirectly disclose any personal data in their comments or GitHub accounts, this becomes visible to the visitors of this website. Examples of such disclosures include, but are not limited to:
    1. Mentioning their personal data directly,
    2. Including their full name in GitHub profiles,
    3. Providing links to their LinkedIn, Facebook or any other social media accounts.
  5. For information on GitHub policies, users need to refer to GitHub terms and GitHub privacy.